Batting Technique 101 – The Comprehensive Guide to Cricket Batting

Mastering proper batting technique is crucial for any cricketer looking to excel and score big runs. The basics of grip, stance, footwork, shot selection, and defensive batting must become second nature. This comprehensive guide covers all aspects of batting technique in detail, from your setup to playing both front foot and back foot strokes. Follow these tips and work on them diligently in the nets to build a solid, consistent batting foundation.


Your grip is the first important fundamental. The standard grip is to hold the bottom hand in an orthodox fashion, with the ‘V’s formed by your thumb and forefinger facing directly behind the handle. The top hand grips the bat normally but slightly angled, supporting the bottom hand. Keep your hands close together and grip the bat firmly but not too tight. This provides control and power. Modify your grip slightly based on personal style and comfort.


The batting stance prepares you to move quickly into shots. Stand side-on with your feet shoulder width apart. Keep your weight balanced and knees slightly flexed. Hold the bat upright in front of the stumps, angled towards point. Align your body, feet, bat and head in a straight line pointing towards the bowler. Face your front shoulder towards the bowler and keep your head still with eyes level. Relax your shoulders and arms. Move your feet, body, and bat together as one unit.


Smooth, controlled footwork is vital for both offense and defense. On front foot shots, step forward with your front leg and transfer weight into the shot. Time it so your front foot lands as you hit through the ball. Back foot shots involve staying in your crease, keeping your weight back and playing off the back foot. React quickly, especially to shorter deliveries, going right back and across. On spins, use your feet to get close to the pitch. Never overcommit your feet or get caught in between strokes.

Shot Selection

Shot selection is a crucial batting skill. Analyze the line and length of each delivery and choose your scoring shots wisely. On full, driven deliveries, go for front foot drives through covers and straight down the ground. Short, wide balls are cut square or pulled off the back foot. Leave and defend outside off stumps, though punish wayward balls on your pads. Scoop low full tosses fine. Use soft hands to drop and run balls in front of fielders. Master straight batting before exploring specialized shots.

Leaving and Defending

Knowing when to leave and defend is just as important as scoring shots. Leave balls angled across you outside off stump by covering your stumps and shouldering arms. Defend full, straight balls by moving your front leg forward and present a straight, closed bat face back down the pitch. Defend short, rising balls by getting on top of the bounce on your back foot and dropping your hands to keep the ball down. Defend spinning deliveries the same way while reading length and trajectory out of the hand.

In conclusion, mastering these technical foundations of grip, stance, footwork, shot selection and defense will equip you to succeed as a batsman. Refine them continuously through coaching and net practice until they become instinct. Keep your game simple and don’t overcomplicate things. Trust your technique under pressure. With patience and dedication, you can become a solid, consistent batsman for your team.